- Supervise all aspects of the natural gas activities, encourage investments and initiate proposals for further development in gas industry.
- Develop a natural gas industry database.
- Prepare action plans for improving natural gas industry and its related projects.
- Develop intensive exploration programs based on applying the most advanced exploration techniques and concepts to prove additional gas reserves.
- Develop production of natural gas in strict compliance with regulations and laws.
- Allocate Egypt’s gas reserves to satisfy local demand and export the excess gas.
- Attaining high performance & environmentally safe operations.
- Re-direct energy subsidies to achieve optimal utilization of natural gas hence increasing value added.
- Reduce financial burden on the Government budget through reducing imports of liquid fuels.
- Conduct techno-economic studies for gas projects.
- Develop projects individually or in collaboration with national and international partners.
- Undertake feasibility studies & determine ideal locations for gas projects.
- Manage gas transmission and distribution systems and coordinate all related activities, to maximize the benefits of the gas supply.
- Attracting investments of international companies with diversified experiences.
- Expand gas export activities through Arab Gas Pipelines and LNG-Trains to save foreign currency for national development.
- Enhance technical staff career development to meet the challenging activities of the gas industry.
- Create new job opportunities as a result of implementing the targeted action plans.
- Applying up to-date and advanced technologies especially at the most promising production and proven reserves areas (Mediterranean Sea) faces the following challenges :
- HPHT reservoirs requiring special treatment.
- Ultra-deep waters.
- Dedicated advanced marine vessels.
- Suitable drilling rigs’ availability.
- Tie-in with distant existing infrastructure.